Collectors' Preview Party
Plein Air – Easton! is the largest and most prestigious plein air painting competition in the nation. Over a six-day period, 58 of the best plein air artists from 5 continents paint throughout the Eastern Shore and select their two best works to exhibit and compete for over $20,000 in cash awards. Enjoy the company of friends, wine, food and conversation with the participating competition artists. The Collectors Preview Party offers the only opportunity to see the entire competition show. The exhibit evolves all evening as paintings are sold and new paintings take their place. The event bustles with excitement and sales are brisk as over a painting a minute sells for over 90 minutes! Tickets to this event sell out quickly and the $150 ticket price applies in full against the purchase of paintings at the Academy Art Museum all weekend. Be one of the few to experience and purchase the best of this year’s competition.