Hello, and welcome to my website. I am a landscape painter who loves nature, the color and viscosity of oil paint, and the mysterious communication that occurs through art. My first career was as a musician, and musical elements influence my paintings. I have loved being outside since childhood and working from direct observation has been key to my development as a painter. I met my husband, Fred, in a field biology class at UVA and we are frequently exploring the natural world side by side - painting and fly-fishing. Although the subject of my painting may reference the real world, I'm excited by painters who have a distinctive painterly style of realism, like Van Gogh, Richard Diebenkorn, Andre Derain, and Fairfield Porter.
Quote from Warm Springs Gallery: "Deliece aims to create paintings that resonate with her own sense of home and personal style, envisioning them as functional pieces that seamlessly integrate into your everyday rituals...She wants you to experience art in the fabric of your daily existence. Color and lively gesture are the elements she aims for."
Deliece Blanchard is a prize-winning member of the Oil Painters of America, the American Impressionist Society, and American Women Artists. She has been awarded fellowships from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Cook Foundation, and the Tyrone Guthrie Center in Ireland. Deliece taught strings and orchestra in the Lynchburg City Schools for 23 years. She retired in 2015 to paint full-time and currently lives in Winston-Salem, NC, where she shares a studio above a bakery.