Danni Dawson Demonstration
Academy Art Museum
The Working Artist Forum is pleased to invite the public for a live talk
and demonstration with Danni Dawson. Artist appearing via Zoom. Guests may log on with their own computer or come to AAM and view there.
Danni Dawson received her BA and MFA degrees from George Washington University and apprenticed with Nelson Shanks. A professional artist and teacher for over 25 years, Danni has exhibited her paintings nationally and internationally, and has received many awards including the Allied Artist Award, the Salmagundi Painting Prize, the Audubon Award, and an award for painting from the National Academy of Art and Design. Her work has also been featured in American Artist.
With over 300 portraits to her credit, Danni Dawson has painted heads of state, dignitaries, and university officials as well as senior members of the military and medical communities. Her portraits ad still lifes are displayed in collections throughout the world.
The Academy Art Museum is located at 106 South Street, Easton, Maryland 21601. Please enter the museum via Harrison Street and go the Performing Arts Room on the 1st Floor.