Natural Light
Camille Przewodek, a nationally renowned colorist and plein air oil painter from Petaluma, California will conduct a painting demonstration at Studio B Gallery, 7B Goldsborough St. Studio B Gallery will host an exhibit titled "Natural Light" of Ms Przewodek’s paintings for the entire month of July alongside the work of gallery owner Betty Huang.
Ms Przewodek has been a part of Plein Air-Easton! since its inception, collaborating with Nancy Tankersley of the South Street Gallery in Easton to advance the event in 2004. She won the Vanishing Landscape award in 2009 and 2010, and the Grand Prize in 2011. Ms Przewodek has painted and taught color workshops not only in California and the US but also France, Spain, and Italy. She has had numerous exhibits and won a number of other awards, most recently at the 2012 American Impressionist Society's 13th Annual National Juried Exhibition.
Camille holds several art degrees, but credits her "colorist" perspective by having studied at the Cape School with Henry Hensche, who carried on Charles Hawthorne's pioneering painting principles in teaching how to "see" and use color to create form as viewed under various light effects of nature. Since then, Ms Przewodek has continued to develop and evolve, using this approach in developing her own unique perspective as a painter. She enjoys teaching what she feels can be a catalyst for expanding one's talents and abilities.
"Color that expresses the light key of nature can make any subject strikingly beautiful".