Academy Art Museum- Plein Air Summer Camp
Ages 12+ (Adults welcome)
Instructor: Diane DuBois Mullaly
Monday – Thursday, June 26-29, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Cost: $135 Members, $145 Non-members
Easton is an international hub for plein air painting, as evidenced by the world-class artists its Plein Air Easton attracts. Award-winning local artist and PAE competition artist, Diane DuBois Mullaly, is eager to show young artists the magic of painting outdoors. This camp is for students who have never painted outdoors in plein air, as well as for those who have some experience. Participants will learn to mix oil colors from the three primary colors, plus white and then paint skies, clouds, trees, flowers, buildings and street scenes. We will paint in the Museum’s courtyard and on surrounding streets, weather permitting. In the event of rain, we will paint inside. Please bring a hat, sunblock and water. Make sure to wear old clothes! All art materials provided.
For more information or to sign up: Academy Art Museum.