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Camille Przewodek

Petaluma, CA

Inducted into the Plein Air Easton Hall of Fame in 2024

“I worked with Henry Hinchey, who worked with Charles Hawthorne and worked with William Chase, it goes all the way back to Monet. I was a plein air artist before anybody was doing plein air. I was out there with my easel and people were like, ‘What's she doing’?  Then I started doing some of the first plein air events in California.  I was one of the early ones.

Nancy Tankersley came to meet me in Carmel when she was thinking of starting a plein air. At that time there were a lot of people who were starting to think about doing, plein air events.  I was one of the first artists in this medium. I would give them my input and then they wouldn’t apply it.  Nancy picked my brain, and she really listened to what I was saying.  She asked me to be involved in starting the event. The first year I served as the juror selecting the artists to participate. There weren't a lot of great artists at first and then as the event grew and became better known, we started getting applications from the top plein air artists. And at that point I decided I wanted to do it.

I participated as an artist in Plein Air Easton from 2008-2017.  My husband Dale also a colorist, even joined me and participated as an artist one year. I am still very proud that I was selected as the grand prize winner in 2011 for my painting, “Moonvines”.  I’ve been doing plein air painting for over thirty years with no end in site! 

I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing artists.  Every year I was able to see them and share stories of triumphs and the heat. Without Plein Air Easton I wouldn’t be able to spend time with them.  Plein Air was a gift to me. 

I do remember one year; I was being hosted by a family at a very large estate.  I was packing up my car with my paintings for the final collection.  I was signing and framing them, and I heard this barking.  Suddenly, the family dog jumps into the car and starts running up and down my paintings. I was so lucky as most of them weren’t on canvas and were dry!  But there were a few I had to clean up.  One of the big collectors ended up with one of those.