Michael Kotarba is an award winning plein air painter and graphic designer living in Baltimore, Maryland. His return to landscape painting came by chance on a vacation to the seacoast of Maine. Painting out of doors became an avocation. After a career in publishing design and illustration, he made the decision to focus on plein air and studio work as a full-time pursuit.
Michael has been accepted to participate in “Paint Annapolis”, “Plein Air Easton”, “Wayne Plein Air”, “Easels in Frederick”, “Paint It Ellicott City”, the “Hampton Art Initiative”, “Cylburn Celebration of Art”, and the “Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition” of the Baltimore Watercolor Society. He was also selected to exhibit in the American Watercolor Society’s international exhibition at the Salmagundi Club.
He is a Signature Member of the Mid-Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association, an associate member of the American Watercolor Society and a Signature Member of the Baltimore Watercolor Society. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art where he received Graduate training in illustration and poster design.
Michael Kotarba is one of the artists featured in the publication “100 Plein Air Painters of the Mid-Atlantic.”