Sara Linda Poly, originally from the Philadelphia area, studied at university in PA, VA, MD., and with local and national artists. Sara’s past experience includes illustration and design and work as assistant gallery director at the Art League Gallery, in Alexandria, VA., where she is now an instructor.
Known for her sweeping skies and dramatic light in the landscape, she has been the winner of numerous awards and a participant in many regional and national shows.
Magazine articles include International Artist, Plein Air, Southwest Art and Elan Magazines.
Traveling and teaching around the US, Europe and Mexico, Sara paints and teaches workshops locally and internationally.
Memberships include: The Oil Painters of America, The Washington Society of Landscape Painters, and The Salmagundi Club, NYC.
“I have always been at home under the open sky. Trying to capture the beauty and mystery of nature with paint is a joy like no is like coming home.”

"Joy Rising" 2024

"Poetry of Light" 2024

"Morning Moonset" 2024

"Close to Home" 2023

"Shining Through" 2023

"Dance of the Sunlight" 2023

"Morning Sun" 2022

"The Day Begins in Magic" 2022

"Summertime Joy" 2022

"Midsummer Sunset" 2021

"One Enchanted Evening" 2021

"All is Quiet Now" 2021 Judge's Choice

"A Dance of Light" 2020

"Backyard Bliss" 2020

"The Elegance of Evening" 2020

"Blood Moon Rising" 2019

"The Grace of Sunlight" 2019

"Evening Enchantment" 2019

"The Joy of Summer" 2017

"In a Blaze of Glory" 2017 First Place (Small Painting Sunday)

"In the Stillness" 2017

"Honey Bee Flower Farm" 2016

"Origin" 2016 Grand Prize: Timothy Dills Memorial Award
"Summer Evening" 2016

"Moonrise over Peachblossom Creek" 2014 Best Painting by a Maryland Artist
"Sunrise at Papermill Pond" 2014

"Evening Reverence" 2013

"Joy in the Morning" 2013

"Of Days Gone By" 2012

"Summer Sun on Easton Point" 2012

"Small Town Magic" 2011 Best Painting by a Maryland Artist

"A Very Good Morning" 2011

"Day Begins" 2008

"Lost in Time" 2008

"Daybreak on the Choptank" 2007

"Tilghman Twilight" 2007

"Summer Sunrise" 2006

"Moon Over Tred Avon" 2006

"Tred Avon afternoon." 2005

"Sunrise Magic" 2005 Honorable Mention