2021 Award Winners

Pictured: Artists Choice winner, "Bound" by Daniel Robbins

Plein Air Easton, the largest and most prestigious plein air festival in the nation, broke every record with this year’s event. In no small part that success is due to the overwhelming community support, the generosity of the Friends of Plein Air, the Plein Air Easton Steering Committee, community partnerships, a plethora of volunteers, and the dedication of the Avalon Foundation’s staff.

The week kicked off with a canvas-stamping event where artists were given an orientation for the week ahead before setting out within the bounds of Talbot County to find inspiration The following Saturday, competition artists could be found at the party of the summer known as the Meet the Artists Party. This event, for Friends of Plein Air Easton who support the event through charitable giving, is a true celebration of art where easels dot the landscape of a private estate in Talbot County while art collectors, supporters, and onlookers wandered the grounds to watch paintings progress before their eyes. The evening culminated in an exhibit and sale of the day’s work while the easy sounds of the Souljourners played in the background. Upon departing, guests were presented with a gourmet dinner to enjoy in the comfort of their own homes.

Satellite exhibits could be found in Oxford, St. Michaels, and Tilghman Island this year where folks could take an Arts Road Trip and peruse each gallery where every exhibit was populated with fresh paintings daily. By the end of the week, the entire collection was consolidated in the Plein Air Library located in historic downtown Easton.

The 58 competition artists handed in two completed works each on July 15 to be considered by Event Judge, Daniel Weiss, President & CEO of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, who focused on selecting the award winners from a spectacular body of combined work. Plein Air Easton’s Collector’s Party, July 16, was live-streamed and can be viewed through this link. The Grand Prize: Timothy Dills Memorial Award (sponsored by Ellen Vatne) was awarded to Tim Kelly for his painting “A Little Bit Louder Now” and the honor of an award by their peers, the Artists’ Choice Award (sponsored by Hali and Scott Asplundh) was awarded to Daniel Robbins for his painting, “Bound.”

On Saturday, July 17, more than 175 artists took to the streets for the Quick Draw Competition. Daniel Robbins won First Place (sponsored by Holly & Gary Townsend) overall, Michael Traines won Best Alumni Painting (sponsored by September 1st Partners) and Hema Gupta won First Place in the non-competition artist category.

On Sunday, July 18, the festival culminated with Small Painting Sunday (held in honor of Suzan Estelle Brice in celebration of a life well-lived and sponsored by Ellen Vatne and Denise & John Bode) and the Judge’s Talk, during which Weiss explained his award choices, and bestowed the final round of Small Painting Sunday awards to the 2021 competition artists. Suzie Baker took home Small Painting Sunday First Place. View the judge's talk here.

Plein Air Easton is a juried competition, however, winning First, Second, Third Places; Artists’ Choice; First Place Quick Draw and the Alumni Quick Draw awards also come with the honor of an automatic invitation to the 18th Plein Air Easton competition, scheduled for July 17-24, 2022.

View the entire competition gallery.

View the award winners.


2021 Plein Air Easton Awards


PAE Award Winners p2


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