Awards List - 20th Plein Air Easton 2024
Grand Prize: Timothy Dills Memorial Award, $5,000 + Invitation to participate in #PAE2025
Sponsored by Ellen Vatne
Robert Simone, ‘The Shipwright’s Apprentice’
Artists' Choice, $5,000, + Invitation to participate in #PAE2025
Sponsored by Hali & Scott Asplundh
Orville Giguiento, ‘Getting Ship-shape’
2nd Place, $2,000, + Invitation to participate in #PAE2025
Sponsored by the Academy Art Museum
Christine Lashley, ‘Heritage Fields’
3rd Place , $1,000, + Invitation to participate in #PAE2025
Sponsored by September First Partners
Patrick Lee, ‘Morning Hours (St. Michaels)’
Life on the Farm, $1,000
Sponsored by the Talbot County Farm Bureau and Talbot Extension Advisory Council
Susan Lynn, ‘Hay Loft’
Life of a Waterman, $1,000
Sponsored by Anonymous
Richie Vios, ‘Restoration Journey’
Best Marine, $1,000
Sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
John Brandon Sills, ‘At Rest’
Best Architectural, $1,000
Sponsored by the Historical Society of Talbot County
Scott W. Prior, ‘Pop-up Gas’
Best New Artist to Plein Air Easton, $1,000
Sponsored by Wye Financial Partners
Antwan Ramar, ‘No Need to Barge’
Best Nocturne, $1,000
Sponsored by Eric Timsak & Leslie Lobell
Vlad Duchev, ‘Oxford Serenade’
Best Watercolor, $500
Sponsored by The Trippe Gallery
Orville Giguiento, ‘Ship-shape’
Best Use of Light, $500
Sponsored by Betty Huang at Studio B Gallery
Palden Hamilton, ‘Dry Spell’
Judge’s Choice (1 of 3), $500
Sponsored by Margaret Wrightson & David Bellis
Jim Rehak, ‘Oxford’
Judge’s Choice (1 of 3), $500
Robin Roberts, ‘Abandoned’
Judge’s Choice (3 of 3), $500
Henry Coe, ‘Fading Light’