It's on!
It's on!
Written on Tue, 2014-01-28 11:00 by Al

Hello fans of Plein Air Easton! My name is Jenn Wagner and I am the new Events Manager for the Avalon Foundation. I am a professional artist who has run a gallery and has an events planning background. I have shown my own work during Plein Air Easton for the past eight years, as well as co-ordinated artist demonstrations, created the Out of the Box Art Exhibit and Sale, and worked on the Plein Air steering committee. I love this event and am excited to take on this new role!
Even though the temperature is cold outside and summer seems so far away, the excitement is building as planning for the 10th anniversary of Plein Air Easton unfolds. 2014 is looking to be the biggest and best competition festival yet for artists, collectors and lovers of art. The festival is already the largest and most successful in the country, so how do we make it even better?
A new $10,000 grand prize for starters. That’s right, $10,000. That’s double from last year, and we are anticipating the fiercest competition yet. While competition artists have always come and painted with passion, braving the elements and pouring their hearts into their work, this new $10,000 grand prize literally raises the stakes.
Fine Art Connoisseur Editor Peter Trippi, last year’s jurist, will be this year’s judge. This year’s jurist is none other than…..well, that’s another blog.
The highly anticipated prospectus and application was released on the Plein Air Easton website on January 27th. For the first time ever, all applications will be processed to the new, user friendly site. Right now, artists are selecting their best images to submit, and dreaming of painting in the warm (ok, sweltering) sunshine. And I bet more than a couple are thinking about that $10,000 grand prize.
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