Plein Air Easton Special Thanks 2023
In addition to continued support from our Avalon Board, the Avalon Staff, Friends of Plein Air, and the community at large, Plein Air Easton would not be possible without the special contributions madeby volunteers, partner organizations, the competition artists, art collectors, local artists and galleries, Easton merchants, host families, and community members who attend the events. We'd like to take this opportunity to help those who helped us pull off a spectacular year:
Academy Art Museum
Alan Sleeper, Master Builder
Carl Tankersley
Carol Sleeper, Volunteer Coordinator
Cassandra VanHooser
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
Christ Church
Cindy Reed, Oxford Event Coordinator, Inventory Cataloguing Specialist
Diane DuBois Mullaly
Dock Street Foundation
Earth Data Incorporated
Easton Economic Development Corporation
Easton Police Department
Easton Utilities
For All Seasons
Ivy Café
Liza Ledford, Paint Oxford
Mary Kellogg, Tilghman Event Coordinator
Mary Wilson
Maryland State Arts Council
Master Jove Wang, Judge
Nancy Tankersley, Juror
Oxford Business Association
Oxford Community Center
Plein Air Easton Steering Committee
Rise Up Coffee Roasters
Ruth Crovo, Host Family Housing Coordinator
Scott Allen and Kevin Long
Shannon Dill, Extension Educator, AGNR
Shawn Leffler
St. Michaels Art League
Sue Bredekamp, Information Center Manager, MC Next Generation
Talbot County Arts Council
Talbot County Chamber of Commerce
Talbot County Farm Bureau
Talbot County Office of Economic Development and Tourism
Talbot Extension Advisory Council
Ted Mueller Photography
The Widgeon Foundation
Tilghman Watermen's Museum
Town of Easton
Town of Oxford
Town of Tilghman
Waterfowl Festival Inc.
Working Artist Forum
Wylder Hotel, Tilghman Island