The Collector's Party - The Ultimate Plein Air Easton Event by Sue Bredekamp
For many enthusiastic supporters of Plein Air Easton, the absolute highlight of the week is the Friday evening Collector's Party - this year it's July 18. This much anticipated, sold out event is the first and only time that all 116 competition paintings are displayed and available for purchase. Collector's literally line up at the door to get the first look at the entire collection of hot-off-the easel paintings. Because the $150 ticket price goes toward the purchase of a painting, most of us feel like we've already made a down payment and are now ready to make our selection.
The nationally accredited Academy Art Museum provides a dignified, serene, prestigious venue for the event. Imagine an elegant party with guests savoring delicious hors d'oeuvres and wine while viewing the beautifully displayed, finely lit paintings of many of the most talented plein air artists in the world today.
Now imagine the annual bridal gown sale at Filene's Basement. Unlike that event, no punches are thrown or hair pulled but numerous sighs of disapointment are emitted when a would-be buyer goes off to confirm a purchase decision with a spouse only to return and discover a red dot “sold” sign next to the painting they just had to have. I always keep in mind what an antique dealer told me long ago: “If you want it, buy it now because you’ll never find another exactly like it. And if you wait, it will be gone.” This is truly sound advice for collectors during Plein Air Easton. I still remember paintings that I wish I’d bought at the 9 previous Collectors’ Parties I’ve attended.
I’m a buyer, not a shopper which is a valuable personality trait at the Collectors’ Party. In 2013, during the 90-minute time period, a painting sold every 45 seconds! It starts to feel like Wall Street at the opening bell (although I have no idea what that really feels like). The army of fantastic volunteers who staff the event are literally called, “Runners”. They quickly mark the painting sold, get a buyer’s information, and without hesitation replace it with another, equally beautiful piece of work by the artist.
The highlight of the evening is the Judge’s announcement of the Awards, totaling more than $30,000. The entire crowd gathers and loudly cheers the winners as though each one played for the home team. All the artists are present for the event and shout approval of their colleagues as well. One of the most coveted, prestigious awards is, of course, the Artists’ Choice. Eagerness builds as each award is announced, culminating with the Grand Prize. Excitement will be at its peak this year because in honor of the Festival’s 10th Anniversary, the Grand Prize is $10,000! Collectors who’ve already purchased an award-winning painting claim bragging rights for their artistic eye, while others scramble to purchase the few award winners that have not yet found buyers.
Experienced collectors know that in addition to the works that will be judged, almost 500 more paintings are available for sale in the library upstairs. Each competition artist may include up to 8 additional paintings that can replace those displayed as they are sold. Some experienced collectors hit the library early to see the full body of work of their favorite artists. Given that many of the library paintings are still wet, admittance is limited. A buzzer system is in place like that used for popular restaurants that don’t take reservations. When people are seen scampering off upstairs, you know that they’ve been buzzed in.
Especially excited are those collectors who have followed or collected the work of particular artists over the years. And painters who are new to Plein Air Easton often generate considerable buzz because they bring a fresh eye to the Eastern Shore vistas that we all know and love. New collectors also participate every year and get caught up in the joy of owning an original work of art.
Many collectors are thrilled to see a finished painting that they watched being created. During the first year of Plein Air Easton, we bought a 24 X 30 painting by Stephen Griffin (who is the only artist to have participated in all 10 festivals), that I watched him paint early one morning at Easton Point. When it won two major awards that night, I not-so-silently congratulated myself on my critic’s eye. I particularly loved the combination of realism and abstraction that I saw in the painting and was thrilled that I’d actually seen it being created. Talking with Stephen at the Collectors’ Party, he admitted that he hadn’t been satisfied with the iteration I saw him painting, scraped it off, went back the next morning at dawn and repainted the entire scene. I relate that story because I hope it conveys one of the most pleasurable aspects of Plein Air Easton week. Collectors get to know and learn directly from the artists whose work they will live with for many years to come.
As the party draws to a close, people gingerly pick up their wet paintings and show them off to other attendees. Then they go into the night envisioning how they will display their original treasure to maximum effect in its new home. The focal point of that painting will undoubtedly become the focal point in one of its owner’s favorite places. And participants will mark their calendars for next year to make sure they don’t miss the great fun of the Collectors’ Party – the ultimate PAE experience.