Local Color Call to Artists
- Prospectus -
- “Local Color” Art Show and Sale 2019
- Friday July 19, through Sunday July 21, 2019
- Crystal Ballroom of the Tidewater Inn, Easton, MD
Each year Working Artists Forum (WAF) sponsors the juried and judged art exhibit “Local Color” in support of Easton Plein Air Competition and Arts Festival. The exhibit, held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Tidewater Inn, is under the auspices of the annual Easton Plein Air Competition. Local Color showcases and sells art by the Artists of the Delmarva Peninsula (MD, DE, VA) and WAF members that have been juried into the show.
- WHO? Artists of the Delmarva Peninsula (MD, DE, VA) and WAF members are eligible
- WHAT? Images of your best work, Studio or Plein Air Paintings
- WHEN? Entries are being accepted online until March 20, 2019
- WHERE? On line at Working Artists Forum
- HOW? See below how to apply
The exhibit is open to all artists residing on the Delmarva Peninsula, (which is considered as MD, DE and VA), and any member of WAF (hosts of “Local Color”). Note: Artists who have been juried into the Plein Air Easton Competition are not eligible to apply.
Images of your original two-dimensional, best-work studio or plein air completed paintings, in the mediums of acrylic, watercolor, oil and pastel are acceptable. All artwork must have been completed within the last 3 years, and must have a sell price of no less than $200. Note that all paintings must be original and properly framed for the show. We reserve the right to remove paintings from the show that do not conform to the prospectus.
- Local Color is juried by the digital images entered with the application.
- Local Color prospectus and application process can be completed at www.workingartistsforum.com on the Local Color page.
- Each applicant must enter 3 digital images for jurying (fewer or more than 3 will result in your application being returned unprocessed). Submit high quality images of your best art in a jpeg format of no less than 1MB, and no greater than 2MB. The image should be cropped to show only your art, removing any background images, clutter or frame.
- Name your file using your initials, title of work and number. For example for J.D artist, title 2 Lovely View, and image #1 (jdlovelyview1.jpg).
- ENTRY FEE: A non-refundable Entry Fee of $35 must accompany your application, paid on line through PayPal online at www.workingartistsforum.com Optional payment by check.
- DEADLINE: Applications and JPEG images must be received by March 20, 2019.
- You will be notified by email no later than April 1, 2019 of your acceptance status VIA EMAIL.
- ENTRY FEE: A non-refundable Entry Fee of $35 must accompany your application.
- HANGING FEE: There will be a non-refundable hanging fee of $25 for all accepted artists. Instructions to submit the Hanging Fee will be sent via email to all artists juried into the show.
- COMMISSION: A 30% commission will be charged on each sale, a portion of which Working Artists Forum uses to support the Eastern Shore elementary school art programs.
- Local Color is held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Tidewater Inn in Easton, MD.
- Each artist will have a 6’x6’exhibit area of two single sided standard panels.
- Sold paintings should be replenished as needed when art is sold.
- Participating artists will deliver and set up paintings on Friday morning, July19, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. All paintings MUST be hung and all supplies removed by 10 a.m.
- Paintings are to be hung in an orderly fashion, leaving space between the frames. No artist should hang fewer paintings than it takes to fill both of their provided panels.
- No paintings should be priced lower than $200.00.
- The show is open to the public according to the following schedule:
Friday, July 19 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 20 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 21 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- All artists agree to leave work hanging until the show ends. There will be no packing or other transport materials allowed in the Crystal Ballroom until after the closing of the show at 4pm Sunday.
Judge, Tim Bell, Grand Prize Winner, 2018 Plein Air Easton
Juror, Aimee Erickson, Second Place Winner, 2018 Plein Air Easton