Rehearse Quick Draw presentation LIVESTREAM 7/19
Tune in at 12:30pm to watch the LIVESTREAM of the Rehearse Quick Draw 7/19 presentation LIVESTREAM.
Tune in at 12:30pm to watch the LIVESTREAM of the Rehearse Quick Draw 7/19 presentation LIVESTREAM.
Original Paintings by Eastern Shore Artists
July 20th – 22nd at The Tidewater Inn - Downtown Easton, MD
The Local Color 2018 Juror has selected 42 talented Eastern Shore artists to participate in this year’s Local Color Art Show & Sale. If you are coming to Plein Air Easton this year, you must not miss it! Held in conjunction with Plein Air Easton, this show offers a delightful opportunity to browse and purchase art created exclusively by working artists from around the Eastern Shore.
Just one week left. Don't miss out on the largest outdoor painting competition in the United States.
Apply now!
We hope that you are all training hard for the 2018 Plein Air Easton painting competition. Make sure to apply by January 26th.
The Avalon Foundation is pleased to announce David C. Levy as the juror for the Plein Air Easton 2018 competition. Plein Air Easton is the largest and most prestigious outdoor painting competition in the United States. Each year Plein Air Easton chooses a single person to evaluate hundreds of slides from plein air painters around the world and select the 58 artists who compete in Easton in July. This person becomes the single judge for the event in the following year.
Thank you for helping make Plein Air Easton 2017 our most successful year yet! Make sure to save the date for next year's festival.
Plein Air Easton 2017 is a wrap, but it's never to late to prepare for next year!